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CRE Activities » CRE Activities

CRE Activities

The following list represents clubs and organizations that are offered at Cedar Ridge Elementary. A brief description of the purpose or a mission statement of each has been provided. More information regarding these and other extracurricular opportunities will be updated throughout the school year.
CRE Chorus: To expose students to a wide variety of musical styles while emphasizing the development of musical skills and understanding. Please contact Mrs. Oexmann (Mrs. O) with any questions.
4-H: To provide students with the opportunity to learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills.
Good News: To share the good things going on within the community.
Perennial Math Competition: To allow high ability math students to participate in a challenging, nationally-recognized mathematics competition. 
News Show: To provide students an opportunity to participate in the news show and build speaking skills. Please contact the CRE Learning Commons with any questions.
Safety Patrol: To give leadership opportunities to students as they mentor younger students in safety procedures while at school. Please contact Ms. Schultz with any questions.
Sport Stacking Club: Cup stacking sport club. Please contact Coach Schultz with any questions.